sexta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2010


IN 2077

I'll be a hundred years old and experiencing a world a little better than this, multinationals have been reduced to five mega-companies, through mergers and bankruptcy of competition, Fidel Castro was canonized by the Vatican, for its many miracles in Havana and George W. Bush was elected the best President of all time on the planet earth, we have teleporters that lead us to anywhere in the world for just thirty kix, the new currency on the planet, no more waiting lists for organ donation today anyone can buy them at any store of organs, I've been seven times to the moon and the moment I'm preparing to go to Mars, after the lunar cycle.
Despite all this, we have a relic of barbarism in our hearts that is prejudice, no longer among humans, the aliens are now the targets of the time are blamed for unemployment and human marriage of humans and aliens are not welcome . Some things never change!.

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